Thursday, February 15, 2007

Just a day. Just an ordinary day.

Why did I make a blog? Well, obviously, to have somewhere to post my weird ideas, and rantings. And I plan to make a blog entry every time I feel writing about something or if I feel bored.

Just a day. Just an ordinary day.

For some, Valentine's Day (which is a pagan holiday) is very special. The culmination of every couple's effort to be patient with the other. For some, it is a celebration. A celebration of every firsts, or last. Well, for me, it's just an ordinary day. I spent the whole day in front of the PC, trying to gather every info I can about my research paper. Another thing that haunts me every time I try to relax. (I didn't write this on the very same day because I haven't got a blog then.)

I saw red-wearing men and women walking on the streets of Pedro Gil, going to Rob. Maybe for a date. Or maybe to buy something for their special someones.

When I reached Rob, the people were unusually many, considering it was a Wednesday. Designer Blooms even created a "stall" at the other side of the mall to cater to customers coming from the Pedro Gil area. And when I got out, I can say that designer blooms made a killing, to use a cliche. And for women, they are trying to search the shops for a nice shirt or a cap to give. Even at the brickwall (the area in front of UP Manila where students sit and have a smoke) I saw this well-dressed guy, carrying a big bouquet of flowers waiting anxiously. Checking his phone for messages for his special someone.

Why waste the time? And the money, too? After that day, life still goes on. and there will come a time, that that day will only be a "has been". So why exert effort?

I sound as if I'm griping, right? Maybe yes, maybe no.

Well, who knows? Maybe next Hearts' day, I won't be "busy" writing a blog entry. I'd be busy going to Rob myself.

*This entry was from my very first blog, which I have deleted. This is my first ever blog post written on Valentine's Day.